Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Happy Birthday Title IX, You Don't Look a Day Over 39.

39 years ago today Congress passed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Readers well know, there's been lots of progress towards equality in those 39 years and plenty yet to come. The Department of Education commemorated this anniversary by conveying a similar sentiment and pointing out their own efforts -- including initiating 11 compliance reviews and 13 investigations -- in the last year to bring about the day "when students will be safe from discrimination, harassment, and physical violence in our schools." Meanwhile, our friends at the Women's Sports Foundation have kicked off the celebration by unveiling a sparkling new website and encouraging women to "Get Your Game On" -- in addition to amping up their usual good work. And the National Women's Law Center blog imagined what Title IX would say if it could talk about its 39th birthday.

What are you doing to celebrate?

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